

Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für das Produkt FORMAT Vliesschleifscheibe ROLOC interessieren.
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FORMAT Vliesschleifscheibe ROLOC
50,8mm sehr fein

FORMAT Vliesschleifscheibe ROLOC
50,8mm sehr fein

List price incl. VAT / pce
exkl. MWST 1.46 €
Your price incl. VAT / pce und inkl. Rabatt
exkl. MWST 1.24 €
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Item no 4502659.0100
EAN code 4317784633840
Katalognummer 8675 4015, 86754015


Fleece disc for the ROLOC™ system SC-DR Design: Fibre fleece with resin-bonded abrasive. The open, resistant fleece construction prevents clogging, thereby extending its life. Application: Especially suited to cleaning and finishing, for example, grinding and smoothing weld seams, removing paint and rust, refining milled surfaces and removing coatings e.g. heat discolouration, varnish, paint and sealant residue.


Ausführung sehr fein
Farbe blau
Durchmesser 50,8 mm
Körnung K280-320
Max. Drehzahl 23000 min-1
VE 50
Feinheitsgrad sehr fein
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